ISLa Specs

ISLa is a grammar-aware string constraint solver with its own specification language.

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ISLa: Inputs on Demand!

ISLa is a grammar-aware string constraint solver with its own specification language. With ISLa, it is possible to specify input constraints like “a variable has to be defined before it is used,” “the `file name’ block must be 100 bytes long,” or “the number of columns in all CSV rows must be identical.”

Building on modern constraint solvers, ISLa provides you with a unique flexibility to specify—and generate—the system inputs you need. ISLa can be used for precise fuzzing: Keep adding input specifications until you are satisfied with the number of inputs passing the tested system’s parser. Furthermore, you can write ISLa specifications to carve out specific inputs for testing a particular program functionality.


Our running example is a simple “assignment language” consisting of strings such as x := 1 ; y := x. As a first step towards using ISLa, we formalize this language as a context-free grammar in BNF:

<start> ::= <stmt> 
<stmt>  ::= <assgn> | <assgn> " ; " <stmt> 
<assgn> ::= <var> " := " <rhs> 
<rhs>   ::= <var> | <digit> 
<var>   ::= "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | 
            "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" |
            "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z" 
<digit> ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"

After saving this grammar to a file, say, assgn.bnf, we can already generate inputs from the assignment grammar using the ISLa command line interface:

> isla solve assgn.bnf
s := t

The following command creates 10 assignments:

> isla solve -n 10 assgn.bnf
a := 6 ; j := x
q := u
e := h ; o := l ; g := w
s := i
k := v ; d := m ; f := 1
n := y ; t := 5
z := 3 ; p := 7 ; b := 0
c := 2 ; r := 4
q := 8 ; l := 9
u := 0

With ISLa, we can restrict the assignment language on-demand. For example, the ISLa constraint <var> = "a" results in assignment sequences only containing “a” variables:

> isla solve assgn.bnf -n 10 -f 1 --constraint '<var> = "a"' 
a := 5 ; a := a ; a := 7
a := 6
a := a
a := 0 ; a := a ; a := a
a := a ; a := 1 ; a := 4
a := a ; a := 3 ; a := a
a := 8 ; a := 2
a := 9 ; a := a
a := a ; a := 9
a := a ; a := a

:bulb: The setting -f 1 restricts the number of times that ILSa randomly instantiates unconstrained input elements to one time. Here, this affects the <digit> nonterminals: Without -f 1, we would see 10 different variants of the first input with variying numbers in the first and third assignment.

Or do we prefer assignments where all digits can be divided by 2 without remainder? No problem with ISLa:

> isla solve assgn.bnf -n 10 -f 1 -s 2 --constraint "<digit>) mod 2 = 0"
i := a ; x := 0 ; u := s
p := l ; m := 8 ; b := y
k := c ; t := d ; r := q
j := z
h := 0
e := 4
g := n ; v := f ; w := 4
o := o ; j := a ; c := 0
t := r ; k := 0 ; e := 0
k := t ; f := 8 ; e := 8

:bulb: The -s flag specifies how many results for a single query should be obtained from the SMT solver Z3. We limited this number to 2 (the default is 10—the same default value is used for the -f flag) to obtain a wider diversity of inputs within the first 10 results.

The constraints above talk over all <var> and <digit> grammar nonterminals in any derivation tree derived from the assignment language grammar. In addition to such simple constraints, ISLa allows to explicitly quantify over grammar elements using the forall and exists keywords.

Assume that an interpreter for our assignment language rejects inputs where a variable is accessed that has not been previously assigned a value. This “definition-use” property, which is a semantic input property of the language, is expressed as follows:

forall <assgn> assgn_1:
  exists <assgn> assgn_2: (
    before(assgn_2, assgn_1) and 
    assgn_1.<rhs>.<var> = assgn_2.<var>)

Since this is a more lengthy constraint, let us save it in a file defuse.isla. The following command line invocation uses this constraint:

> isla solve -n 10 -f 1 -s 1 assgn.bnf defuse.isla
q := 2 ; m := 1 ; c := 4
p := 8 ; o := 3 ; l := p
z := 7 ; p := 6 ; e := p
d := 5 ; a := d ; h := 9
s := 0 ; x := 0
k := 8
p := 4 ; r := p
p := 6 ; u := p
p := 5 ; v := p
p := 3 ; p := 5 ; w := p

As we can see, all right-hand side variables occur at the left-hand side of a prior assignment.

For more information on the command line interface, run isla -h. Each sub command comes with its own help text; for example, isla solve -h provides details on how to use the solve command.

You can also use the ISLa solver via its Python API:

from isla.solver import ISLaSolver

grammar = '''
<start> ::= <stmt> 
<stmt>  ::= <assgn> | <assgn> " ; " <stmt> 
<assgn> ::= <var> " := " <rhs> 
<rhs>   ::= <var> | <digit> 
<var>   ::= "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | 
            "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" |
            "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z" 
<digit> ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"

constraint = """
forall <assgn> assgn_1:
  exists <assgn> assgn_2: (
    before(assgn_2, assgn_1) and 
    assgn_1.<rhs>.<var> = assgn_2.<var>)

solver = ISLaSolver(
    max_number_free_instantiations=1,  # -f
    max_number_smt_instantiations=1,  # -s

for _ in range(10):

An example output of the above program snippet is:

q := 7 ; m := 1 ; c := 8
p := 2 ; o := 2 ; l := p
z := 9 ; p := 4 ; e := p
d := 8 ; a := d ; h := 5
s := 0 ; x := 0
k := 7
p := 8 ; r := p
p := 9 ; u := p
p := 4 ; v := p
p := 2 ; p := 1 ; w := p

Try It Out

You want to try ISLa out for your own examples, or need more inspiration? Then, we recommend our interactive ISLa tutorial providing an easily accessible introduction to the specification and generation of custom system inputs using ISLa.

You might also like our isla create command: isla create path creates a set of grammar and constraint files along with a README file at the path path. All files are contain explaining comments to help you getting started; we show different constraints for the assignment language that you can experiment with.

Further recommended resources for diving deeper into ISLa are: